Delta Safety and Protection GmbH


"Learning is experience. Everything else is simply information."

– Albert Einstein –

Real fire training


With us you will experience and learn the best real fire training. For the training of firefighters and members of relief organizations, it is essential to be familiar with the dangers of smoke ignition. To this end, we use only solid fuel-fired fire training equipment for our fire training. This enables us to give the participants a realistic representation of a fire in an object. Our training concepts provide for flexible adaptation to the special requirements and needs of our customers. This has many advantages for them. In addition, our training is modular. With Delta's mobile training units, we conduct the training at your desired location. They remain ready for use at all times and high travel costs or additional costs for the use of infrastructures are eliminated.

We also support our customers with the complete respiratory protection equipment such as mask, regulator, carrying frame and cylinder, everything can be booked with us.

Contact us and we will prepare a non-binding offer upon request. 

Click here for the contact form!

Zwei Feuerwehrleute bei einer Durchzünung im Realbrandcontainer

Zusätzliche Module

Zur oben genannten Heißbrandausbildung bieten wir weitere Module an. Falls Sie zu den genannten und weiteren Modulen Informationen benötigen, dann melden Sie sich gerne und wir erstellen Ihnen ein individuelles Angebot.

Modul Strahlrohrtraining

Die korrekte Anwendung von Hohlstrahlrohren ist entscheidend für den Erfolg einer Brandbekämpfung. Unsere Schulung vermittelt praxisorientiertes Wissen über die verschiedenen Arten von Hohlstrahlrohren, ihre Funktionsweise und die optimalen Einsatzszenarien.

Modul Notfalltüröffnung

Für Feuerwehren kommt es immer häufiger zum Alarmstichwort „Person hinter verschlossener Tür"!  Mit unserer neuen Schulung „Notfalltüröffnung“ können wir folgende Szenarien darstellen.

Fire extinguishing training /

With this training, employees of commercial enterprises are instructed theoretically and practically in the handling of fire protection systems and equipment. Starting with the handling of fire extinguishers and fire alarm systems to building smoke extraction and the use of escape and rescue routes and their signage. Of course, we can also offer this scenario as real fire training. The training is tailored to the needs and circumstances of the customer and is based on the principles of the DGUV and the ASR.

Our work is regularly inspected by DEKRA. For your and our safety.

Contact us for a no-obligation quote on this Fire training.

Fire-Trainings mit einem Feuerlöscher an der Brandanlage

Industrial firefighting

Our "Industrial Fire Fighting" is a special hot training course. Here, firefighters and members of relief organizations train on our specially designed industrial fire system. What hazards are present when fighting pressure and liquid fires and much more can be trained with us. We simulate fires of fire classes A, B and C on our facility at the same time. And at the same time their fighting can be practiced by the participants with the extinguishing agents water, extinguishing foam and extinguishing powder. Especially for plant and factory fire departments and their companies there is the possibility to train and optimize the internal communication between the different emergency services by using our training concept. Many of our customers use our system to implement their specified measures from the Hazardous Incident Ordinance.

Here, too, we provide the complete respiratory protection equipment if required.

Contact us for a no-obligation quote on this Fire training.

Click here for the contact form!

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